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Theatre & Training


be an actor in your everyday working life !

It's simple and effective...


  • You watch a scene acted out for you by a group of professional actors with a scenario, written specially for you, based on a specific issue affecting your company and which results in some kind of blockage, difficulty or inadequate response...
  • You analyse the problem with the other participants and suggest other possible options, more effective, better adapted to the situation
  • The actors then improvise on the basis of the modifications suggested by the participants
  • You evaluate the improvement (or otherwise) of the interaction and, if necessary, suggest other adjustments...
  • how ?

    Approaching, in an interactive way, an issue concerning all of the participants

    Taking a second look at the possible outcomes of the situation (the positive and negative points of what people say, or don't sayt...)

    Promoting the impact of the group on individual development (other points of view, other approaches)


    Some themes...

  • Your management on stage
  • Your communication on stage
  • Did you say psychosocial risks ?...
  • Your presentations on stage...
  • Customer service : we are all responsible !
  • Collective intelligence ?
  • Let's work on our interculturalism...
  • ...and other themes, as requested, offering, for your analysis,

    ordinary and extraordinary situations from your everyday working life...


    'Plays' acted out in front of you, but also the creation of videos on the themes of interest to your company, which can be used any time you like, at meetings, seminars, workshops, training sessions...
