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Coaching ?


Coaching, personalised guidance for individual or collective performance


Whether you are at a key point in your career, or you are facing new challenges, or you have to assert your leadership and strengthen your managerial presence, develop your interpersonal capabilities, advance your ides so as to better convince others...Jamunâ's expertise in the techniques of professional coaching will help you through, to achieve your objective and take the lead in your own progress.


Coaching will enable you to develop your own operational solutions and your self-dependence, by revealing your talents, your unexplored potential and your sometimes unused resources.


What exactly is coaching ?


Whether it is concerned primarily with your feeling about yourself, or your relations with others, the coaching process starts from a situation that needs to change, and aims at reaching an objective which is clear, precise, quantified, stimulating and realistic.


Coaching is a means to :

  • Strengthen your competences
  • Stop holding back and think 'solution'
  • Become the driver of your own development
  • Discover your resouces, potential and talents
  • Find the meaning and the motivation necessary for the desired change
  • Achieve more autonomy and become more responsible
  • Who is a coach ?

    The role of the coach is to reveal your talents !


    Not a psychiatrist, not a trainer, not a consultant...

    The coach is a professional of the process of individual (or collective) guidance focussing on company issues in order to help you transform the present the better to approach the future.

    The coach highlights the resources which open up the field of possibilities.


    The coach works in a spirit of caring and respect, without advising, and without being directive, in order to reach a specific goal.

    Through a structured, measurable and transparent process, the coach helps the client to bring out his/her own responses.



  • A positive, caring environment
  • Questioning, but with respect
  • Active listening and precise reformulation
  • High demands
  • Positive stimulation
  • Coaching? What for ?


    To solve a specific problem

    To boost your self-assertiveness

    To develop and follow through a new project

    To work with different cultures

    To take on new functions, etc.